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Literacy is Science, but it’s not Rocket Science

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

Welcome to the "Literacy is Science, but it’s not Rocket Science: What's the Problem and Solution" blog series. In this series, we will explore literacy achievement in the United States and the challenges educators and homeschooling parents face in ensuring that children develop the foundational literacy skills necessary for success in school and beyond. The importance of literacy cannot be overstated.

girl reading under a tree

Literacy is the foundation of all learning and is essential for individuals to succeed personally and professionally. Unfortunately, despite its importance, many students in the United States struggle to develop the literacy skills they need to succeed. This blog series aims to shed light on the issues and offer solutions. While literacy may seem like a simple concept, the reality is that it is a complex set of skills that require a range of abilities, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, fluency comprehension, word study, writing, speaking, listening, critical thinking, and digital literacy.

Furthermore, the development of literacy skills is not a linear process. Instead, children progress through different stages at different rates and may require varying levels of support. Therefore, it is essential for educators and homeschooling parents to have a deep understanding of literacy development to provide appropriate instruction.

The challenges that educators and homeschooling parents face when developing children’s literacy skills are numerous and complex. Factors such as access to resources, socioeconomic status, and student engagement can all play a role in determining whether a child successfully develops the literacy skills they need. For example, children from low-income families may need access to high-quality literacy resources and instruction, making it challenging to develop the skills to succeed.

This series will delve into each of the four grade bands and explore the unique challenges and opportunities for improving literacy outcomes. For example, in the early elementary years, it is critical to develop foundational skills such as phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, word study, fluency, comprehension, writing, oral language skills, and critical thinking, However, ensuring that children have access to high-quality literacy resources and instruction can be challenging, especially for those from low-income families. Additionally, in the upper elementary years, students are expected to read, comprehend and think critically about various texts. Therefore, educators and homeschooling parents must find ways to keep them engaged and motivated to learn.

We invite you to join us on this journey as we explore literacy achievement in the United States and work to find solutions to ensure every child can develop the literacy skills they need to succeed in school and life. In addition, by sharing research-based strategies and highlighting successful programs and practices, we aim to empower educators and homeschooling parents to impact literacy achievement positively.

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